Catcalled: Whistles and Eyes

This story contains explicit adult content, including themes of sexual objectification, exploitation, and non-consensual public behavior. It is intended for mature readers (18+). Reader discretion is advised.

I walked down the street, hood up, hands in my pockets, keeping my head low. Ever since the video leaked, I’d felt like I had a spotlight on me, and not the good kind. The humiliation burned deep, knowing that my private moments had been exposed for the world to see. My sex tape had gone viral—comments flooding social media, guys sliding into my DMs accompanied with dick pics, and strangers giving me those seductive looks. The looks that said, I know how much of a freaky slut you are.

But it was too late to run from it. Everywhere I went, it felt like every eye was undressing me, groping me, and penetrating me.

The summer heat clung to the streets, thick and suffocating, but it wasn’t just the humidity that made my skin crawl. It was them. I hadn’t even seen them yet, but I could feel their eyes, the way predators zero in on prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. My footsteps quickened, heart racing, but no matter how fast I tried to walk past, I knew it was coming.

“Yo! Ain’t that the bottom from that video?”

The voice was loud, sharp, cutting through the chatter like a knife. I swallowed hard, my body tensing as the laughter followed. I kept my head down, praying that ignoring them would be enough, but I could feel their eyes, burning holes into me—hungry, curious, taunting.

“Why you walkin’ like you don’t hear us, boy? We seen you! Yeah, we all seen what you can do.”

My legs felt like lead, each step heavier than the last as I passed them. The laughter grew louder, more aggressive, more cruel.

“You got them dick-suckin’ lips, huh? Bet you know how to use ‘em after what I seen!” another voice sneered, the words making my stomach twist. I tried to keep moving, but it was like my feet were glued to the pavement.

“Bet that phat ass feel real nice too, right? I seen you put in work, boy.”

The group erupted in laughter, but the sound made my blood run cold. I couldn’t block it out—couldn’t escape the humiliation that crawled up my spine. My whole body screamed to get away, but it was too late.

“Yo, Marcus! Look who it is,” one of them shouted.

I made the mistake of looking up, just for a second, and that’s when I saw him. Marcus. He was leaning against the wall, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Tall, muscular, with an effortless swagger that made it hard to breathe. His eyes were locked on mine, dark and unreadable, but the intensity in his gaze was unmistakable. He knew exactly how good he looked, and he wielded that power like a weapon.

“Come over here,” he said, his voice smooth but laced with authority. It wasn’t a request. It was an order. The group around him snickered, their eyes trained on me like wolves circling a lamb.

I should’ve kept walking, should’ve ignored him, but my body wouldn’t listen. My feet stopped, frozen under the weight of his gaze. Slowly, almost against my will, I turned and made my way over to them.

Marcus didn’t move, just watched me with that same smirk, his eyes trailing over my body in a way that made me feel exposed, like I was nothing more than something for him to consume. “Yeah, I saw the video,” he said, his voice low, carrying just enough menace to send a shiver down my spine.

His friends leaned in, their gazes just as predatory. “You got some skills, huh?” one of them added, the innuendo clear as day.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The heat in my face burned hotter with every second, a sick mixture of shame and something lustful. My throat tightened, and I could feel the weight of their stares pulling me under.

Marcus stepped closer, his lips curling into a slow, deliberate smile. “Why you lookin’ so nervous?” he teased, his voice a mix of amusement and challenge. “You liked showin’ out for the camera, didn’t you?”

My heart pounded in my chest, my body locked in place. I wanted to deny it, to say something, anything, but my voice betrayed me. All I could do was stand there, caught in his gaze, feeling more exposed and powerless by the second.

“Let me get your number,” Marcus said, pulling out his phone, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

I hesitated anyway, just for a moment, but that smirk never left his face. My fingers shook as I typed it in, the weight of the situation pressing down on me like a heavy blanket.

“Good boy,” Marcus said, his smile widening as he glanced me over one last time. “I’ll hit you up later.” He turned back to his homeboys, the conversation picking up as if nothing had happened, as if I wasn’t even worth a second thought.

I walked away, my legs trembling beneath me. The shame and humiliation clung to me like a second skin, but beneath it, something darker stirred—a thrill I couldn’t deny.

And deep down, I hated that part of me just as much as I feared it.

Hours passed, and I couldn’t shake the way Marcus had looked at me, the intensity of his gaze, the command in his voice. My phone buzzed later that night, and sure enough, it was him.

“Come over, my boys and I are just chillin’ right now.”

The invitation made my stomach drop, but I couldn’t stop myself from replying.

The Uber slowed to a stop right outside Marcus’s building, the hum of the city streets buzzing around me as I stepped out into the summer heat, still clinging to the night air. My stomach twisted with a strange mix of anxiety and anticipation as I walked up to the door. I didn’t know why I had agreed to this—maybe it was Marcus’s confident smirk, or maybe it was something else, something darker that I didn’t want to admit. But here I was.

I knocked, and within seconds, the door swung open. Marcus stood there, tall and imposing, the same smirk on his face that he wore when we first met on the street. His shirtless torso revealed the hard lines of his muscles, his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips, and his feet casually resting in slides. The sight of him, so effortlessly confident, stirred something primal inside me. My heart raced, caught between the flush of embarrassment and the sudden, undeniable wave of lust his presence always seemed to provoke. Behind him, I could hear the low hum of voices and the familiar sounds of a game being played. “You finally pulled up,” he said, stepping aside to let me in, his eyes lingering on me for just a second too long.

The living room was a haze of weed smoke and the deep bass of ESPN commentators breaking down a game on the screen. It was a man’s space—unapologetically so. The air was heavy with the smell of weed and sweat, mixed with the raw, musky scent that comes from a room full of high-testosterone bodies. A couple of guys were sprawled out on the couch, their eyes glued to the screen, but they all glanced up when I walked in, giving me the same look I’d gotten on the street earlier. The kind that said, Yeah, we know who you are and how well you can please.

Marcus guided me further into the room with a hand on my lower back, almost possessive. My throat tightened as I took in the scene. There were five guys in total, not counting Marcus. All of them were built like athletes, some shirtless, while others had muscles bulging under loose T-shirts and tank tops. They lounged around the room, some with drinks in their hands, others puffing on thick blunts.

One guy, sitting at the end of the couch, lifted his chin in my direction. “This him?” His voice was deep, rough, and there was a teasing edge to his words.

“Yeah,” Marcus said, his voice filled with casual authority. “This is him alright.”

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of their gazes. They weren’t just looking at me—they were sizing me up, like they knew more about me than I was comfortable with. The air felt thick with unspoken tension, and I had the sinking feeling that I wasn’t just walking into a chill night. This was something else.

Marcus led me to a chair in the corner, away from the others but close enough to feel like I was still on display. I sat, feeling small in the space, the walls closing in as they continued to watch the game, drink, and smoke, but never fully letting me out of their sights.

“Yo, Marcus,” one of the guys called, holding out a bottle. “You wanna hit this?”

Marcus took the bottle, lifting it to his lips before passing it to me. I hesitated, the drink heavy in my hands, but Marcus’s eyes were on me, expectant, waiting. I took a sip, the burn of the liquor sliding down my throat, doing little to ease the knot in my stomach.

“Relax,” Marcus said, leaning in closer, his voice low in my ear. “You good here. I got you.”

I nodded, but my pulse was racing. The game played on the TV, the guys talking and laughing like nothing was out of the ordinary. But every so often, I’d catch one of them stealing glances at me, their eyes hot-blooded and knowing, like they were all in on something I wasn’t yet a part of.

The atmosphere was charged—masculine, heavy, like the calm before a storm. They were waiting for something. I could feel it in the way they moved, how they carried themselves, as if they had already decided what was going to happen next. And I wasn’t sure if I was ready.

Marcus leaned back on the couch, his eyes locked onto mine with a lazy, knowing smirk. His hand rested casually on my knee, but there was nothing casual about the heat that came off him. The guys were still half-watching the game, half-watching us. The low buzz of their conversation floated around the room, but the weight of their glances was undeniable. They were waiting, anticipating.

“Ayo, Marcus, you got an eye for real,” one of the dudes laughed, his voice laced with both jokes and a little edge. “Homie got them DSLs, no cap.”

A ripple of laughter followed, but I could feel the intent behind the words. It wasn’t just a joke—it was part of the game they were playing, testing boundaries. My skin prickled under their gaze, and my mind raced. I shifted slightly, but Marcus’ grip on my knee tightened, keeping me in place.

“You hear that?” Marcus muttered, his voice low and slick, just for me. “They already peepin’ you. Just like in that vid.”

My breath caught in my throat. He was right—since the tape leaked, it was like I couldn’t go anywhere without feeling eyes on me. They weren’t just watching anymore; they were sizing me up, appraising me like I was something to be consumed.

“You like the attention, don’t you?” Marcus’s fingers slid further up my thigh, a slow, deliberate motion that made my pulse quicken. “They all saw what you can do. Now it’s time to show me.”

 The guys chuckled from across the room, their focus shifting from the TV to us, not fully invested but not entirely indifferent, either. Their jokes and comments filled the room like background noise, setting the stage for what was to come.

“Ayo, Marcus, you ’bout to put on a show, or what?” another voice cut in, followed by more laughs. They weren’t just watching—they were part of the vibe, part of the pressure that was closing in around me.

Marcus leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. “You already know what it is.”

I hesitated for a split second, but the tension in the room was too thick, too heavy to ignore. I could feel the weight of Marcus’ expectation, the silent agreement between us, and the eyes of his friends flickering back and forth between the TV and us like they were waiting for the real entertainment to begin.

I nodded, more to myself than to Marcus, feeling the pull of the situation, the thrill of being the center of their attention.

“Good boy,” Marcus muttered, his lips brushing against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. His hand tightened on my thigh, pulling me closer. There was no need for words now. Everything was laid out, clear as day, and the room seemed to close in around us as Marcus guided me into the moment.

The guys kept half-watching ESPN, half-watching us. Jokes were made, the occasional chuckle or comment thrown in, but all of it seemed far away as Marcus set the tone. He didn’t need to ask permission—my silence, my body language had already given it. We were past words.

The air was thick with anticipation, their presence undeniable but still detached enough to make it feel like Marcus and I were in our own world. I could feel his dominance, his control, as he leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in a way that made everything else fade away.

The room fell silent, the weight of their stares pressing down on me, their bodies tense and expectant. Marcus guided me to my knees, his hands resting on my shoulders as he lowered himself down, his erection straining against his shorts. I could feel the heat radiating off him, his breath coming faster as he pulled his pants down, his hardness springing free.

“Open your mouth, boy,” Marcus growled, his grip tightening on the back of my neck. “You know what’s up.”

I did. The room blurred around me, the sounds of ESPN and the guys’ voices fading into the background. All I could see was Marcus, his eyes dark with lust, his hand wrapped around his shaft. His fingers curled into my hair, pulling me forward, and before I could think, his dick was sliding between my lips, his taste filling my mouth, the scent of his body overwhelming me.

I didn’t hesitate. I couldn’t. Not with Marcus’ authority radiating off him, his hand guiding me forward, his hips bucking against my mouth. The guys were watching, their eyes hungry, their comments barely audible as Marcus took control.

The atmosphere was thick, electric, their bodies tense and focused, their gazes burning into us like lasers. My heart raced, my body tingling with the rush of the moment. I was trapped in the spotlight, their eyes piercing through me, their comments and taunts floating around the room like ghosts.

But I couldn’t pull away. I was too caught up in the heat, the taste, the feel of Marcus’ body against mine. He was controlling, aggressive, his grip tight on the back of my head as he thrust into me, his voice a low rumble.

“Yeah, that’s right, suck that dick.”

His words sent a shiver down my spine, the thrill of the situation washing over me. I was trapped between him and his crew, their eyes burning into me, their bodies tense with anticipation. My mouth moved in sync with his dick, his hips grinding against me, his dick throbbing on my tongue.

Marcus’ hands gripped my hair, his fingers digging into my scalp as he held me in place. His voice was a low, guttural groan, his body tense and rigid. “I’m fuckin’ that pretty lil’ mouth of yours.”

I looked up at him, and our eyes met, his gaze burning with a mix of lust and desire. His grip tightened on the back of my head, his dick throbbing between my lips, his body trembling. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but give in to the moment, letting it sweep me away.

The heat in the room intensified as Marcus’ hand moved with purpose. His friends, still half-invested in the game, kept throwing glances, their attention shifting between the TV and us, as if what was happening right here in front of them was just as casual as the highlights playing on the screen. The room buzzed with that same undercurrent—masculine energy, unspoken approval, like this was just another part of their world.

Marcus leaned back, his arm draped over the couch, watching me with a smirk that made my heart race. He didn’t need to say anything now; his eyes told me everything. He had me exactly where he wanted me, and the guys knew it too. The banter shifted, filled with comments that were impossible to ignore.

“Ayo, look at him, bruh. You knew this was gonna pop off, didn’t you, Marcus?” one of the guys laughed, and I felt the heat flood my face, but Marcus just chuckled, eyes locked on me.

“You scored a real one, fam,” another chimed in, his tone laced with that easy, laid-back approval.

Marcus’ grip on me tightened, pulling me closer as if to remind me that I was his now, at least for the moment. And despite the embarrassment, despite the fact that all of this was happening in front of his friends, I didn’t pull away. The pull was too strong, the dynamic too powerful to resist.

“You doing good,” Marcus whispered, his voice low, but there was no concern in his tone—just dominance, just assurance that everything was going exactly how he wanted.

I nodded, my breath shallow, feeling the weight of their eyes on me. The comments continued, some teasing, others more aggressive, but Marcus had them in check. They wouldn’t step over the line unless he allowed it, and somehow that gave me a sense of safety in this twisted moment.

“Yeah, he’s good,” Marcus muttered under his breath, loud enough for the others to hear. “Just enjoying the moment, ain’t you?”

His friends laughed, but the sound felt distant. All I could focus on was Marcus—the way he looked at me, the way he commanded the room without needing to raise his voice. And as things escalated, the tension in the air thickened, and I knew there was no turning back.

Marcus pulled away, his eyes still fixed on mine. He pushed me back onto the chair, his hands moving up my body, his touch firm and possessive. He yanked my pants down, his fingers gripping the fabric as he exposed me, exposing everything.

“That’s a nice ass,” he murmured, his voice low and gritty. “Just how I like it.” With that, he gave a firm smack across my ass, the sharp sound echoing in the room, his dominance clear as I felt the sting ripple through me.

He spread my legs apart, his eyes roaming over me, his hand sliding down to grope my ass. The firm grip of his fingers made me gasp, my body responding even as a wave of humiliation crept in. I was exposed, naked, vulnerable, but I couldn’t deny the way Marcus’ touch sent a deep ache through me.

The guys watched, their bodies tense, their eyes burning into us like hot coals. I could feel their desire, their lust, their energy pulsing through the room like a living thing. Marcus positioned himself between my legs, his hand sliding up my thigh, his fingers brushing against my opening.

“You want it, don’t you?” he murmured, his voice heavy with need.

I couldn’t answer. My body was trapped between his control and their attention, unable to move or speak or do anything but let it happen.

“Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” one of the guys hissed, his eyes never leaving us.

Marcus’ hand tightened on the back of my neck, his fingers digging into my flesh. He pressed against me, his hardness sliding between my legs, his breath hot and heavy on my skin.

“You ready for this dick, boy?” he growled, his voice rough with lust.

I didn’t have time to respond. He pushed inside me, his dick filling me, his fingers gripping my thighs as he pulled me toward him. The sensation was overwhelming, his body slamming into mine, his weight pinning me down.

The guys moaned in unison, their voices a mix of surprise and enthusiasm, as they jerked themselves off to the sight of us.

“Damn, look at that.”

“Yeah, take that dick, slut.”

“Go ahead, Marcus, give it to him.”

Their comments only fueled the fire, the tension between us building until it was almost unbearable. Marcus thrust into me, his rhythm rough and unsteady, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The guys were cheering, their voices mingling with the sound of our bodies slapping together, the air thick with lust and desire.

“Fuck, I’m ’bout to nut,” Marcus grunted, his voice strained and desperate.

He pushed deep inside me, his dick throbbing, his body trembling. He held me in place, his grip bruising, his thrusts erratic and intense. His orgasm washed over him, his body spasming, his voice a low, animal growl.

The guys whooped and hollered, their cheers echoing off the walls, the energy in the room rising to a fever pitch. Marcus pulled away, his eyes never leaving mine, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

“Get on your knees,” he commanded, his voice rough and husky.

I did as I was told, dropping to the floor, my body still trembling from the force of his orgasm. Marcus’ hand found the back of my neck, gripping tightly as he pressed his dick against my lips.

“Suck,” he said, his tone firm and commanding.

I didn’t hesitate, opening my mouth, taking him in. The guys watched, their voices a low hum, their eyes glued to us. I could feel their gaze, their energy, their desire, their satisfaction. I gave myself to the moment, letting it wash over me, feeling Marcus’ dominance, his pleasure, his control.

Marcus groaned, his hand tightening on the back of my neck, his dick twitching between my lips. His orgasm came hard and fast, his body spasming, his voice a low, primal roar. The guys’ cheers filled the room, the sound almost deafening.

“That’s right, taste this nut,” Marcus gasped, his body trembling.

I did. I licked and sucked and swallowed until he was spent, his cum filling my mouth, coating my tongue, dripping down my chin. It was warm and salty and sweet, and I savored it, savored him, savored the way his body quivered and his breath hitched. 

The room was still, the silence broken only by our heavy breathing, the TV still humming in the background. The guys sat in stunned silence, their bodies tense, their eyes never leaving us.

Slowly, Marcus pulled away, his hands still gripping my neck, his gaze locked on mine. “Good boy,” he said, his voice hoarse and raw.

His words were a release, a validation, a sign that I had given him what he wanted, what they all wanted. I could feel the energy shift, the mood softening, the intensity ebbing away. The room was no longer charged, no longer a battleground, but a place of acceptance, a place of satisfaction.

“Damn, Marcus,” one of the guys finally said, his voice dripping with awe. “That was one hell of a show.”

Marcus’ hand slowly released my neck, his fingers brushing softly against my cheek. “This is what he’s here for,” he said, his voice calm and commanding. “Ain’t that right, boy?”

“Yeah,” I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper, conceding to his control. I was still trapped between his power and their attention, caught in the moment, feeling the weight of his dominance, their desire, and the charged energy in the air.

“You’re good, man,” one of the guys said, breaking the silence.

Marcus gave a slow, lazy grin. “Yeah,” he said, his voice carrying an edge of warning. “I am.”

With that, the moment was broken. The guys started talking amongst themselves, their voices drifting away. Marcus stood, his body looming over me, his hand stroking my hair.

“Ayo, you did your thing,” he said, his tone chillin’ out, that tough vibe easing up. “Get dressed and dip. You made me proud, for real.”

The guys watched as I pulled on my clothes, their eyes lingering on me, their gazes full of hunger and curiosity. It was like I had passed some kind of test, a challenge that only Marcus knew about. And maybe they had, too.

“Bet, I’ll catch you around,” Marcus said as I turned to leave.

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